Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's Good: Biker Jim's Gourmet Dogs

Summer and hotdogs go together like rye and bitters. You typically don't have one without the other. Typically this means gathering with friends for a backyard BBQ, packing a few Plumpers on the camping trip, or grabbing a Rocky Dog while being consistently mesmerized by Tulo. But a few months ago, Biker Jim's Gourmet Dogs moved into my 'hood, and now I'll never look at hotdogs the same way.

Biker Jim's has "gourmet" in the title for good reason, but let's be honest - its a hotdog joint. So I appreciate the Easy Rider meets Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas logo on the wall and the fact that every dog has the option of cream cheese - applied by a caulk gun. The ambiance is a feel-good mix of exposed brick, brushed metal and tattoos. I liked the place before I tasted anything.

The menu goes from the exotic (Alaskan Reindeer, Pheasant, Wild Boar) to the more mainstream (all-natural beef, the Perfect Italian), and includes comfort-style sides like mac 'n cheese and fried green tomatoes. They also have a "Something Different" section on the menu that includes not-so-frequent options like the Wiener Wellington and the Yak Dog. Looking a little closer at the website you'll find that nearly all of their dogs are locally raised and produced, without hormones, antibiotics, nitrates or nitrites. And the buns are baked locally. Seriously cool. This ain't your grandfather's hotdog stand...

I'm a huge fan of condiments, and that was where things went from "really good" to "I'll be back." The option of sauteed onions comes with every dog, and a Taj Majal of toppings awaits you once the flame cooked dog is in hand. Multiple mustards, multiple kechups, banana peppers, onions, jalepenos...just about anything you'd ever want, short of Gummy Bears. They had me at "multiple kechups." My original voyage included a Perfect Italian dog with sauteed onions, some type of peppery ketchup, dijon mustard and banana peppers.

Imagine going your whole life watching old school antenna-based analogue TV, and then stumbling upon the Super Bowl playing on a 70-inch HDTV. That's the best way to describe my hotdog experience at Biker Jim's. Hotdogs done amazingly well, lots of options, made by some pretty cool people, and the only cream cheese caulking gun in Colorado. I think I know what I'm doing for lunch tomorrow...

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